so. i had an incident with my favorite t-shirt. a coffee related incident. it was bad.
see, i told you it was bad. it must have been that crazy insane all in one coffee maker makin that crazy strong coffee.
anyways, i am happy to report two things:
- that i am no longer drinking that crazy coffee as i have now kicked the caffeine habit, for the time being.
- i have figured out a way to clone the favorite t shirt that you cant find anymore.
your favorite t-shirt, scissors, seam ripper, big paper, sharpie, sewing machine that does a zig zag stitch or a serger (if you use a sewing machine, make sure to use a ball point needle), pins, ruler, and a knit fabric that you really like and feels like your favorite t-shirt. you also need basic sewing skills and using a pattern.
first step: using your seam ripper, take off one sleeve.
next step: turn sleeve inside out. make the fold on the outside edge of the sleeve. the one that is not at your armpit. you might want to use the iron. okay. now, place the fold on the edge of your big paper. make sure there are no folds or wrinkles and then trace.
use your ruler to straighten up the seam edge.
next fold the body of the shirt in half. with the front neckline being in the center. place the fold on the edge of the paper.
then place the shirt side by side with your tracing to determine where the neckline starts on the front. make a mark.
use an s-ruler or your eyeball and make the neckline. i used an s. ruler. then fold your paper and cut two of the shirt halfs. the one that has the front neckline traced onto it will be your front. go ahead and cut the excess off the front pattern.
label all of your patterns.
with the right side of the fabric together.......
sew together at the shoulders first.
then sew the sleeves on.
then sew up the sides and continue up the sleeves.
the neckline that appears to be uneven is a result of the faulty dress form that i purchased from china town. note to self. bad purchase.
fold up the bottom, sleeves, and neck hem and sew using a zig zag stitch.
just incase you thought i had another spill on the collar, it was the water from the iron... ok, i will replace that picture with a better, drip free one... when we eventually have sunshine again.
recent laughter provoking conversation:
me: i need to buy some more thank you cards today,will you remind me?
cody: yeah........ (silence ) i decided to do telepathic ones this year. which reminds me. did you get mine?
this is why my husband makes me laugh all the days of my life.