last year at this time, i was holding a sweet and precious hours old newborn baby crosby.
i still havent forgotten that holding that floppy little body for the first time and flowing with emotions that i had never felt before.
i will never forget holding the tiny bundled baby and hoping i would never have to do anything ever again beside hold that tiny baby in my arms.
crosby has never ceased to amaze us with his greatness.
i mean really, i cant tell you enough that crosby has truly been one of the sweetest and most joyful beings i have ever been around. he is the type of child that makes you think that you should spend your life making babies because obviously this one turned out in true perfection.
he has brought us so much joy. and in fact, when he is around, he brings so much gentle happiness that its hard to leave him.... which might explain why we rarely, if ever, do.
he has made me watch in wonder.
he has shown me how to truly live in the moment.
he has taught me to slow down. because time doesnt.
he has taught me how precious and wonderful the world really is.
he has shown me how to notice so many positive things in this world where i once was able to notice so many negatives.
he has shown me how miraculous life really is.
we had a small celebration this past weekend.
i made a small cake for the birthday boy. which was mainly a small tiny cake with a lot of fresh whipped lightly sweetened cream. and some sprinkles in the shape of a c.
he was given a few small and large gifts.
we celebrated.
so today, on valentines day, such a surprisingly fitting birthday for such a loving and cuddly child, we will probably go to get a very small milk steamer (his first taste) at a local coffee shop. we might go to the bookstore afterwards and read every book he picks up. and we might just play with all of his new toys and have a nice salmon (his favorite) dinner. whatever we do, we will be thanking our lucky stars for such a perfect year with a perfect boy.