one month ago today, little crosby j made his entrance.
on saturday the 12th, i woke up with an occasional contraction around 7:00 in the morning. since i was a week past my due date, and had been having contractions for well over a month, i was in no hurry to believe it was actual baby producing labor. cody and i decided to go to earth fare to get a few items and to the hardware store to get the items we needed to finish our newest raised bed in the garden, because that is what you do when you have been in contraction land for a two weeks.
after a few hours of the contractions continuing throughout the various stores, we made our way home to start our newest garden bed. As we had already spent days thinking i was in labor, i wasnt about to waste a beautiful sunny day inside laying in bed, timing contractions. As we were finishing up outside, i knew it was becoming the real deal when talking became impossible and the only thing i could do was lay on my side and close my eyes. i had prepared for labor, a natural calm labor for 9 months, but i have to say, the intensity of the contractions suprised me. the pain would literally wash over me and then be gone, and i could move about in perfect normalness, cleaning out the fridge, putting away laundry, packing my bag for the birthing center, and even eating a giant sized lunch.
by 6pm, the contractions had become incredibly intense and were 3-4 minutes apart. we decided then to call the midwife and make our way to the birth center. i was excited at this point, as i knew we would go to the birthing center, i would be able to get into the birthing tub, have a baby by midnight, and spend the rest of the weekend in our own bed.
on the way to the birthing center, cody tried to calmly tell me that the room that had the birthing tub in it was being used, and would not be available, but that i could use the regular tub and everything was going to be perfect. when we arrived around 8pm i was 5 cm. i was ready to rock and roll. i walked and layed on the exercise ball and built up the most amount of determination that i could muster. hours passed by quickly. the contractions were right on top of each other, and i wasnt having a break in the pain. i asked the midwives to check me, i knew that i was getting close, but felt no urge to push. they checked and i was a big 5cm still. no change in 8 hours. more laboring. i became even more determined. i started squating and walking, stopping only to bury my head in cody and moan in agony every minute or so. hours later, i asked them to check me again........ 5cm.
no change, this cant be right.
i asked them to find another dang midwife to check me. must be user error.
the head midwife came in and checked me.... 5cm.
since we had been in labor for close to 30 hours at this point, I knew that cody needed a little rest, and i needed to pull it together and get this baby out with a little pep talk and maybe a little bribery. I got into the shower and gave myself and in utero crosby the longest and best pep talk i could muster. stand strong, open like a flower, and come out in peace little man.......... after being in the shower for an hour (i am still in awe of not only how much hot water i used in 40 hours, but also how much hot water the birthing center had. they must have a life size hot water heater.) the midwives came to check the heart rate etc.
i knew they were growing concerned about my not progressing, especially considering that tiny baby crosby, while in utero, had developed a heart arythmia. the heart arythmia had dissapeared during the last few weeks of pregnancy, but we were warned it could come back at anytime, so we were watched extra carefully.
however, i was prepared to stand my ground with a heck no i wont go attitude directed toward the hospital. when they started discussing the options with us: breaking the water, pitocin, etc., cody asked for a few more hours to see if we could get things going on our own. i tried resting, which is nearly impossible when enduring large amounts of pain.
when we were looking at 30 something hours of labor with no progression and contractions lasting for 2 to 3 minutes with no breaks, and they had broken my water, and all other options had been exhausted, they told me i needed to get some pitocin at the hospital. devastation is pretty much the only feeling that i could feel at that point. the whole way to the hospital, i ate and drank as much as my body could handle so i could regain my energy.
the hospital is not a good place to be in natural labor. with the pitocin flowing, and the contractions stronger than ever, and not being able to move freely, i was miserable. getting up to go to the bathroom was an act of congress. (unless you live in wisconsin.... ha.) cody would unhook the machines and hold the cords while i would try and use the bathroom to the best of my ability.
at this point, i was spent and i am still trying to black out the memories of the ways that i gave in to medical intervention. i'll spare you the details and the mental breakdowns and subsequent temper tantrums that i threw. when i finally felt the urge to push, i was on top of the world. 3 hours later, on valentines day, crosby jewell was laying on my chest, looking at me with the widest eyes i have ever seen.
i think since he was born on valentines day, he is full of extra love for his momma.