so the past few weekends have been just the sort of weekends i have needed most.
both were made up of relaxation and productivity.
truth be told, i have been a bit preoccupied with a project here in my little land. and that project is a new quilt for my boy for his first birthday. which is coming up next week. on valentines day. also known as my baby boys first birthday. so, i deemed it fit to begin sewing him a quilt 2 weeks before, cause that's just what i do. so, the knitting has been put down and all other interests have been put on hold until this quilt is finished.
we did find our way out doors 2 weekends ago when the weather got to a point where it should have been considered a sin to stay indoors. it was still a bit cold, but the sun. oh the sun. it was quite nice. seeing as though this winter has been unseasonably weird and totally unpredictable, seeing sun after months of overcast and rain and 50 degrees with no snowflake to be found, the sun was a welcomed player.
i dug up my beets and one lone carrot, just to see how it was doing. i planted some arugula and some french breakfast radishes, just for kicks. who knows, we may not get below 40 degrees at all this winter. i am proceeding forward with my plans. after all, the farmers almanac does seem to back up the claim that we will most likely not have any substantial winter here in the valley.
i pulled up some spinach and re-mulched the kale.
i turned all of our cover crops on our other two beds.
crosby took the whole garden bed terminology to heart and took up residence laying and rolling in the bed like it was his personal space.
sourdough bread was made. and....... meeeh. it needs some work i tell you. i wont give up yet..
last night i made a giant salad and i used some pickled beets that i canned last summer. they were by far one of the tastiest things i have canned ever. and i now remember why i always plant so many beets. also, the miniature beet eater in the family had some fresh beets last night roasted in the oven with salt, pepper and olive oil. yes. they were Tasty. capital t.
the truth is, i have begun my new pinboard on pinterest for my future farm. and i am seriously craving some fresh foods right now.
but, before i get into all that, i have a few days left to finish a quilt that i spent all last night seem ripping out the border after i saw a mistake that i just couldn't ignore. so, the farm talk will have to wait for a few more days.
happy tuesday.