a light snow fell last night.
i went to sleep hoping i was going to wake to a winter wonderland, but alas, just an inch.
i had big plans for us take a cold and snowy hike this morning, but by the time we ate breakfast and were ready to get out the door (that takes a while you know) most of the snow had melted.
after some brief errands, i settled back in with my new favorite beverage: a frothy hot milk with vanilla bean paste mixed in. surely the most heavenly drink on the planet.... and got a wild hair to start some a sourdough starter.
i took some inspiration and knowledge from the river cottage bread book and set to beginning my journey of master sourdough bread making and i am not going to lie, i did envision my rye sourdough starter becoming so flavorful and delicious that i would keep that same starter for 20+ years, and people would request a small dip of my special starter for christmas and birthday presents.
meanwhile, while i was knee deep in a very fruitful daydream, crosby was knee deep in the spice cabinet. the spice cabinet and the dishwasher are his current favorite hangouts, and i pretty much encourage any and all shenanigans that occur in the kitchen. this was an especially shenanigan-full day as crosby was concocting his own little mixture of deliciousness.
baking soda is never to be forgotten amongst the list of delicious items to eat and flavor dishes with.
toothpicks top the list as best rattle.
if the dishwasher gets opened when you have just about gotten the curry powder opened and you can get a fork to help with the rest of the way, you have really hit the jackpot.
after a bit more exploring and tasting, we headed out of doors for a little fresh (cold) air.
at the end of the day, my spice cabinet is newly organized and clean.
our woodstove is maxing out.
my camera is full of images of life: snow. stick eating. spice cabinet ridiculousness. my new sourdough starter. cats hogging the heat.
ps. before you tell me i am crazy, neglectful, insane, unfit to be a mother: as a former montessori teacher, i seem to always allow Crosby to explore his environment (which i have semi childproofed) and i pretty much consider any destruction or craziness a practical life experience. and i like it that way.
oh, and i'll let you know how the starter goes. and my future sourdough starter business.