while i am still reading through to the lighthouse by virginia woolf, i have been flipping through this canning for the next generations book. i scored this copy from the library, and had intended on copy a few stellar-have-to-make recipes out of it for my personal recipe book. i do have about 100 canning books, after all.
after perusing this book for a little while, i simply have to own a copy. there are so so so many delectable treats of recipes in this book that i cannot pass up. eeeekkkss.
i also have this book, this book, and this book added to my wish list. apparently, i have an epic canning year in my future.
in knitting news, i am finishing up the last sleeve on my levenwick. the above yarn will soon be turned into a sweater of perfection for cody. i am swatching this yarn today. i purchased this yarn at my lys, and it really is dreamy. and milled in the us. score and score. this is a project that i am vowing to dot every i and cross every T. complete with making, and BLOCKING the swatch and all that type of stuff that good knitters do. because in the end, 1200 yards of yarn for a big man size sweater is a lot of time to spend on a sweater that you wonked up here and there to get it to fit. for a change, i will follow someone else's directions.
in preservation news, i have a few pounds of peppers to chop and freeze and a 5 pounds of cucumber to turn in to freezer pickles. (of the dill variety...)
oh, and before i go, here are a few pictures of another being in our house who finds much fascination in yarn and a metal bin that is easily banged on for maximum sound pleasure. (and sometimes chewed on, if you are into that sort of thing.)
oh the blurry quality of the photos? yeah, that is possibly a result of a certain small being who enjoys licking and touching the camera lens. yeah, maybe clean the camera is going to be added to the todo list for today.