i have avoided showing any pictures of my lace leaf cardi from vogue knitting summer 2011.
i decided in 2011 that i wouldnt show work in progress photos anymore. or take them for that matter.
therefor, i havent really talked about my lace leaf cardi.
i bought this yarn for my birthday and cast on about 2 weeks later.
i love this queensland haze yarn. so soft. and wonderful.
i am breaking my rule for this sweater because it is so close to being done, and i just needed to show SOMEBODY. only the ribbing around the body and neck are lacking, which i am working dilligently on now.
i had decided to finish this before i take my ladies only (and crosby) beach trip so that i could start a new project. hmmm, a little mindless ribbing might be nice for a flight with a 4 month old.
but i do not want to be under yarned. i must pack another pattern and yarn for underyarned insurance. it will of course be another 12 in 12 project. did i mention i would only be taking a carry on? and a car seat? hmmm.
oh yeah, and by the way, considering my months got a little off and i have now finished 3 sweaters in 5 months, i am revising my goal to just get 12 sweaters done before january 1, 2012.
birthday presents from may that i am enjoying daily: yarn. patterns. subscription to the new yorker.
sidenote: i am thinking of going back to the disposable camera.
does anyone else miss that mystery and anticipation of getting your pictures developed?